An officer of our church who is in charge of the sacristy and all its contents, and acts as custodian of the other vessels, vestments, and valuables of the church.
The term sacristan has become corrupted into sexton, and these two names are sometimes used interchangeably. The sacristan, as distinguished from the sexton, however, has a more responsible and elevated office. In the Roman Catholic Church the sacristan during mass attends in a surplice at the credence-table and assists by arranging the chalice, paten, etc
Un laico comprometido en la iglesiaque está a cargode la sacristíay todo su contenido, y actúa comocustodio de losotros buques, vestimentasy objetos de valorde la iglesia.
El sacristán cuenta con un oficiomás responsabley elevado.Enla Iglesia Católica Romana, el sacristándurante la misaasistecon sobrepellizen lacredibilidadde mesay ayudamediante la organización deel cáliz, la patena, etc